Tennessee’s American Muslim Advisory Council Board Member Shouts Down Police During Saturday Protest at UT Knoxville

Drost Kokoye, a founding and current board member of the American Muslim Advisory Council (AMAC), Tennessee’s most prominent Muslim organization, was caught on video using a bullhorn held to the faces of police and shouting them down for wearing riot gear while they were protecting protesters like Kokoye at UT Knoxville on Saturday.

You can see Kokoye aggressively pushing her bullhorn towards the face of one police officer at the 2:22 mark of this video from WATE TV.

The demonstration was organized by UT Knoxville’s Progressive Student Alliance to protest the university’s decision to allow Matthew Heimbach, leader of the Traditionalist Worker Party, to speak at UTK, the first stop on his campus speech tour. Heimbach’s group ascribes to white nationalist ideology.

During Saturday’s UTK demonstration that devolved into a hate protest against the police, AMAC board member Drost Kokoye joined marchers delivering that message – “cops get the f*** off our campus (look for the pink hijab in the video below):

Kokoye posted this tweet about her participation in the Saturday events in Knoxville:


This was not Kokoye’s first anti-police demonstration. In 2015, Kokoye led UTK students protesting a Missouri grand jury’s decision not to indict the police officer involved in the fatal shooting of Michael Brown. Part of the protest involved blocking traffic for 45 minutes because as Kokoye told news reporters:

The same way we need to re-route policing people in this country, you need to re-route your way of going to work or going to school or where ever you’re going, it’s in your face and you have to face it, said Kokoye. It’s your problem just like its ours.

The shooting of Brown in 2014, led to weeks of protests both after his death and after the grand jury decision. The Ferguson protests, most of which were violent birthed Black Lives Matter (BLM), ushering in a war on police that has condoned unprovoked execution-style attacks on police.

Former Vanderbilt law professor Carol Swain tagged BLM as “pure Marxism.” Groups like Muslims for Ferguson and the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) have used the political ideology of BLM to bootstrap their political agendas and victim narratives to the BLM movement.

BLM has received funding directly from George Soros’ Open Society Foundations.

After the Freddie Gray shooting in Baltimore, Kokoye organized another UTK protest to “stand with Baltimore” against alleged police brutality.

AMAC, considered Tennessee’s most prominent Muslim organization, grew out of a project sponsored by the TN Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC). During TIRRC’s October 2015 convention, president of TIRRC’s board, Daoud Abudiab, a Nashville Muslim activist, founding member and co-chair of AMAC, acknowledged the organization’s collaboration with Black Lives Matter (BLM) to “strategize, dream and build our movement for 2016.”

TIRRC and AMAC have each received grants from the Proteus Fund, itself a recipient of millions of dollars from Soros’ Open Society Foundations.

BLM Nashville held two marches in 2016 protesting “the brutal legacy of white supremacy” and accused Nashville police of racial profiling and biased policing practices. Days after the marches, Nashville Mayor Megan Barry met with BLM leaders to “dialogue” about race and justice and to share her support for screening new police recruits for bias.

Claiming to represent Muslims living in Tennessee AMAC says it “serves as a bridge between the Tennessee Muslim community and law enforcement as well as government and private agencies.” Led by Zulfat Suara, AMAC signed the “Call for Justice: Joint Letter on American Muslim Solidarity Against Police Brutality” as a supporting organization, along with Kokoye and another AMAC board member, Sabina Mohyuddin.

Mayor Megan Barry recently sided with AMAC’s Kokoye’s objections with regard to the enforcement of immigration laws by ICE.

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11 Thoughts to “Tennessee’s American Muslim Advisory Council Board Member Shouts Down Police During Saturday Protest at UT Knoxville”

  1. […] made Drost hate our country and align herself with the most radical anti-American leftists. She protests against police, pushes her Jew-hatred, and helped start AMAC, only recently leaving her spot on its governing […]

  2. […] a February 2018, protest, Kokoye was caught on video shoving her bullhorn directly into the faces of police officers for wearing riot gear while lined […]

  3. […] American Muslim Advisory Council (AMAC), Tennessee’s most prominent Muslim organization, added a police shout-down to the […]

  4. Bill

    Was this organized by the social justice dept of trevecca university in conjunction with (CAIR)? Makes you wonder.

  5. Floyd

    There are plenty of beds available in Guantanamo for these useless eaters.

  6. Mayor Barry

    Burkas are cute. Lounging in one now.

  7. 83ragtop50

    Is she shopping at Macy’s these days?

  8. Wolf Woman

    “KKKPD” the youngster shouted at the police. How ridiculous and naive!

    Would Drost and her AMAC buddies like sharia enforcement? If so, the sharia police would start by taking her in for being in public without a male family member.

  9. Bob

    Pro Hamas, Pro Sharia law. Should be in jail for treason.

  10. Kevin

    As someone with first hand experience with Ms. Kokoye’s antics, she is trouble! And I’m glad that see was exposed for what she really is, a “behind the scenes” Islamic terrorist!

    In 2014, while watching and peacefully protesting then President Obama’s arrival in Nashville, several of us were pushed and taunted by a group of self proclaimed “illegal aliens”, that were being led and stirred up by Ms. Kokoye! She directed her group of illegals to surround and crowd us, against MNPD directions. Even after her group almost tipped over a member of our group in a wheelchair, MNPD fail to intervene. She was trying to get us to escalate the issue. Jihad comes in many forms!

  11. Papa

    Muslim is the fastest growing religion in the country. They are recruiting any one with anti-American beliefs from the convicts in prison to BLM. In 1991 a document was found titled “The Project” “The Muslim Plan to Conquer America” Every American needs to research and read this document. (theclarionproject.org). Here are the five steps:
    “Phase One: Phase of discreet and secret establishment of leadership.
    “Phase Two: Phase of gradual appearance on the public scene and exercising and utilizing various public activities (It greatly succeeded in implementing this stage). It also succeeded in achieving a great deal of its important goals, such as infiltrating various sectors of the Government. Gaining religious institutions and embracing senior scholars. Gaining public support and sympathy. Establishing a shadow government (secret) within the Government.
    “Phase Three: Escalation phase, prior to conflict and confrontation with the rulers, through utilizing mass media. Currently in progress.
    “Phase Four: Open public confrontation with the Government through exercising the political pressure approach. It is aggressively implementing the above-mentioned approach. Training on the use of weapons domestically and overseas in anticipation of zero-hour. It has noticeable activities in this regard.
    “Phase Five: Seizing power to establish their Islamic Nation under which all parties and Islamic groups are united.”
